Lung diseases.

Meleek James
4 min readAug 4, 2021


Breathing is a very important process because it keeps us alive. When we breathe, the lungs take in air and sends it to the bloodstream. The body cells need oxygen to grow and work. Having a lung disease affects your breathing and makes the process difficult. Lung diseases refer to disorders that affect the lungs and the lungs are the organs that permit the whole breathing process.


Lung infection is one of the most common diseases worldwide. In the United States alone, millions of people suffer from this condition especially women. Lung infectious diseases at mostly caused by infections, genes, and most especially smoking.

Types of lung diseases.

The different types of lung diseases vary depending on which part of the body it affects.

  • Lung disease affects the airways.
    Asthma, chronic bronchitis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and acute bronchitis.
  • Lung disease which affects the sacs
    Lung cancer, pneumonia tuberculosis, Pulmonary edema, pneumoconiosis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
  • Affecting the chest walls
    Neuromuscular disorder and obesity hyperventilation syndrome.
  • Affecting blood vessels
    Pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary embolism.
  • Affecting interstitium
    Pneumonia and pulmonary edema. Interstitial lung disease(ILD).


Having the following symptoms is an indication that your lungs are not healthy and it is a call for concern.

• Trouble breathing and shortness of breath.

• Chronic mucus production

• Chronic chest pain.

• Chronic cough has lasted for more than one month.

• Labored breathing that is feeling like your not getting enough air.

• Coughing up blood

• Lack of energy.

• Noisy breathing or wheezing.

Causes of Lung diseases.

The general cause of lung disease is smoking. Be it smoking cigarettes, marijuana, or any other kind of smoking. Lung disease could also be caused by long-term exposure to air pollution. it could be inhaling the smoke from others smoking, having particles, or sulfur dioxide. Lung disease could also be caused by genetic disorders.

Risk Factors

  • Exposure to dust and chemical because of your job can inflame your lungs especially being exposed to vapors.
  • People suffering from asthma are more likely to develop COPD. Suffering from asthma and still smoking exposes you more to COPD
  • Exposing yourself to the smoke from tobacco increases your chances of COPD. This is particularly the case with three groups of people. Pipe smokers, marijuana smokers, and people who are exposed to large amounts of secondhand smoke whether voluntarily or not.
  • In developing countries, the majority of the population especially women are exposed to the development of COPD. Being exposed to fumes from burning fuel which is mostly their only way of cooking without proper ventilation puts them at great risk of developing COPD.


People with respiratory infections that are COPD and other respiratory infections suffer from breathing difficulties with time and it causes further damage to the lungs.

COPD could further lead to heart diseases and even heart attacks. Suffering from COPD puts you at risk of developing Lung cancer. Suffering from such severe illnesses could lead to depression.


Lung diseases especially COPD are commonly misdiagnosed. Most often it is only diagnosed when the disease is in an advanced stage. Your doctor will have to do a review of the signs and symptoms you are experiencing and the exposure you’ve had to lung irritation. Your doctor may also have to look at your family history.
The tests to be carried out may include chest x-ray, lung function test, arterial blood gas analysis, ct scan, and laboratory tests.


The first and most essential treatment for lung disease is to quit smoking. You could also talk to your doctor about medications that could help you handle a relapse. Some of these medications may include.
• Bronchodilators which are taken depending on how severe your condition is. It could either be short-acting bronchodilators or long-acting bronchodilators.
• Inhaled steroids include fluticasone and budesonide.

• Oral steroids.

• Combination inhalers.

• Antibiotics.

• Lung therapies.

• Surgery.


  1. -If you have been smoking, are addicted to smoking you should quit and find a tobacco cessation program that can help you quit permanently to avoid suffering from lung disease in the nearest future.
  2. -Find a way to protect yourself if you are working with chemical fumes.
  3. -Talk to your doctor if you begin to experience any breathing difficulties.
  4. -Do a regular vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia to avoid some infections.
  5. -Do a regular checkup to make sure your health is not threatened.


Suffering from a lung disease may be deadly in the long run if not treated immediately. Take care of your health because “health is wealth”.



Meleek James

A graduate in Nutritional therapist and a Nutrition assistant | Writer | Music lover | Poet | Researcher | blogger at